Trying out my new lens

I’ve finally got my new lens, the Canon 70-300mm f/4L USM. It had been sitting in my camera bag for 2 days without a proper test, and today I’ve finally took it out and got proper hands on this amazing lens, to the pros or some of the rich dudes, this lens might looked vintage, but for me it was a master pieces ever invented. Pretty neat, sturdy, well built mechanism, and affordable price.

After couple of snapshots, I’ve found the image quality is pretty amazing, less noise, sharp and awesome contrast, not to mention its neutral bokeh.

I’m currently planning for going further with portrait photoshoot, plus a little bit more to become a strobist. Big Smile

See more photos below:

8 Responses to Trying out my new lens

  • Wat Phnom

    Mr. Strobist, you should show us how did you hack your Nissin Grin

  • Chanvannak Chhim

    Hey mista, see this:

  • Ta Mab


  • Chanvannak Chhim

    yup…more like a 'modification' term.

  • Ta Mab

    i will ask u more after i have a nissin of my own, but i dont know when…

  • Chanvannak Chhim

    i would recommend u to get the Canon made flash…rather than doing this hack

  • Ta Mab

    i dont even have money for the kind of ur lens… always wanting a long neck one…

  • Chanvannak Chhim

    hate to say this, try mastering what u had with ur bare hand first, get a lens when u had enough capability. some rich kids here in CPC couldn't do nothing with those expensive lens.

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